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On the 29th of August, the project team members convened two consecutive sessions at the Royal Geographic Association (RGS-IBG) Annual International conference. Titled ‘Everyday Cartographies of Care’, the sessions explored the diverse ways in which cartographies of care are brought into being by actors across multiple contexts. Sponsored by The Geographies of Health and Wellbeing Research Group, the session brought together fourteen papers, including presentations from the ‘Care on the Move’ project as well as Daniel Muñoz's independent work. The discussions offered a range of viewpoints on care from perspectives spanning numerous theoretical and methodological orientations, and geographies. Well-attended, the sessions offered a generative dialogue and a collective reflection opportunity on care as a grounded practice enmeshed with uncertainties. Currently, the project team is working on a publication with some of the participants in the sessions, bringing together perspectives on provisions and mappings of care from different geographic context and academic disciplines.

Responding to a call for evidence on Active Travel and Social Justice inquiry issued by The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Cycling and Walking, a brief report was prepared and submitted by the project team members in mid-December. Addressing the call’s specific inquiry on initiatives aimed at widening participation in active travel, the brief highlighted the project’s ongoing engagement with families, community organisations, and policy-makers, in order to inform active travel policies which better reflect the needs of children with SEN and non-visible disabilities.